District Heating is NOT new

The Scottish government recognises the potential of local heat networks as part of the routes to carbon neutrality

 Gov.Scot Publication - Strategy/plan

Heat in Buildings Strategy - achieving net zero emissions in Scotland's buildings

The Scottish Government has a strategy which requires low carbon sources of energy to be created in order to meet the carbon reduction targets by 2030. £1.8 Billion is committed over the current parliament.


Gov.Scot Publication - Research and analysis

Low carbon heating in domestic buildings - technical feasibility: report

The Scottish Government have already done significant analysis to categorise the housing stock and to identify, in broad brushes, which approaches are plausible for improving energy efficiency and decarbonising.

BBC news reported on progress applying big, shared, heat pumps to make gas boilers in each house extinct.

 The DesigningBuildings site has some good information about District Heating systems, including on the Heat Networks (Scotland) bill which was unanimously adopted by the Scottish parliament in 2021.

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